Monday, February 22, 2010

Coming Events

Summer 2011

Installation of new officers occurred at Faith Maurier's beautiful hillside setting.
New Officers are President, Sue Frazier; First Vice President, Lynn Keelan; Secretary, Mary Ann Farrell; Treasurer, Lori Galorneau; Corresponding Secretary, Jean Bain.

HGC received 1st place in District 11B and second in the state for our yearbook having a club of 20 or less.

We have three new members AND two are male!!!! Maggie Tonks, Kyle Brasier, and Kyle McBain are on our roster.

A Detroit River Cruise is on deck for our July outing.

A picnic at the lake will be at Lynn Keelan's. It will be potluck with games a possibility in August.

September 28th will be our premiere meeting of the year. Housekeeping with the new yearbook along with discussion of exciting garden tricks, tips, and plants that made us smile this past summer are the topics of the evening.

1 comment:

  1. Feel free to check out our past photos and look for new posts this fall!
